It contains 100 important questions. Choose the most correct answer. Then check your answer. Try again if there are errors. Regards : kalvisolai.net

1 ➤ 1. Living organism differ in

2 ➤ 2. Which is not a character of sponges?

3 ➤ 3. Which phylum shows tissue level of organization?

4 ➤ 4. Organ system level of organization is not found in

5 ➤ 5. Incomplete digestive tract (blind sac body plan) is found in

6 ➤ 6. Closed type of circulatory system is present in

7 ➤ 7. In open type of circulatory system

8 ➤ 8. Closed type of circulatory system is found in

9 ➤ 9. What is false about closed circulatory system?

10 ➤ 10. When the body of an animal can be divided into equal left and right halves by one plane symmetry. It is known as

11 ➤ 11. Radial symmetry is shown by

12 ➤ 12. Most of the sponges are

13 ➤ 13. The first diploblastic animal is

14 ➤ 14. The first triploblastic animal is

15 ➤ 15. Triploblastic animal contains

16 ➤ 16. Aschelminthes are

17 ➤ 17. Which of the following is acoelomate?

18 ➤ 18. Metameric segmentation is found in

19 ➤ 19. Notochord is derived from which layer?

20 ➤ 20. Which of the following is correct about notochord?

21 ➤ 21. Radial symmetry is shown by

22 ➤ 22. The undifferentiated layer present between the ectoderm and endoderm in coelenterate is

23 ➤ 23. Which of the following is correct about metamerism (true segmentation)?

24 ➤ 24. In some animals, the body cavity is not lined by mesoderm. Instead the mesoderm is present as scattered pouches in between the ectoderm and endoderm. Such a body cavity is called

25 ➤ 25. The following are coelomates except (true coelom)

26 ➤ 26. Select the total number of organism from the following which are sessile:
Amoeba, Euglena, Adamsia, Spongilla, Hydra, Jelly fish, Earthworm

27 ➤ 27. Which of the following is incorrect about Porifera?

28 ➤ 28. Members of phylum Porifera are commonly known as

29 ➤ 29. Water path in sponges is

30 ➤ 30. The unique character of sponges is

31 ➤ 31. The character possessed by all sponges are

32 ➤ 32. Select the total number of statements belonging to sponges:
(1) Cellular level of organization.
(2) Body is supported by endoskeleton made up of spicules or sponging fibres.
(3) Larva stage is morphologically different from adult.
(4) Pathway of water transport is helpful in gathering of food, respiratory exchange and removal of waste.
(5) Hermaphrodite organism.
(6) They show the power of regeneration.

33 ➤ 33. Select the fresh water sponge from the following:

34 ➤ 34. Another name of sycon is

35 ➤ 35. Match the following: Column I Column II
A. Sycon . 1. Bath sponge
B. Spongilla . 2. Scypha
C. Euspongia . 3. Fresh water sponge

36 ➤ 36. Select the total number of marine sponges from the following:
Leucosolenia, Euspongia, Spongilla, Sycon, Hyalonema

37 ➤ 37. The primitive multicellular animals having cellular level of organization are

38 ➤ 38. Water enters through minute pores in the body wall into central cavity in sponges. These minute pores are known as

39 ➤ 39. In sponge, the sperm and ova are produced by the same individual. Such types of organisms are called

40 ➤ 40. Canal system and choanocytes are characteristic of

41 ➤ 41. In sponges, the commonly seen larva are

42 ➤ 42. Digestion in sponges is

43 ➤ 43. Which of the following is correct about reproduction in sponges?

44 ➤ 44. Exogenous budding is seen in case of

45 ➤ 45. The following characters are related to phylum:
(1) Aquatic, mostly marine
(2) Sessile or free swimming
(3) Radially symmetrical animals
(4) They show polymorphism

46 ➤ 46. Cnidoblast is a characteristic feature of

47 ➤ 47. The first diploblastic animal showing tissue level of organization is

48 ➤ 48. Cnidoblast is used for

49 ➤ 49. Select the total number of organisms from the following which shows both intra and extra cellular digestion.
Physalia, Pleurobrachia, Taenia, Culex, Apis, Neries, Echinus, Salpa, Meandrina, Pennatula, Doliolum, Catla, Hyla, Adamsia, Gorgonia, Ctenoplana.

50 ➤ 50. Select the correct matching:

51 ➤ 51. Select incorrect matching:

52 ➤ 52. Some cnidarians examples corals have a skeleton composed of

53 ➤ 53. Metagenesis is shown by

54 ➤ 54. Which of the following is not true fish?

55 ➤ 55. The umbrella shape and free swimming form of coelenterate reproduced by sexual reproduction is

56 ➤ 56. Sessile, cylindrical form of coelenterate reproduced by asexual reproduction is

57 ➤ 57. Polyp → Asexually → Medusa → Sexually → Polyp
The above cycle is shown by

58 ➤ 58. Select from the following total number of organisms which contain the word ‘sea’ in their common names.
Physalia, Adamsia, Pennatula, Gorgonia, Meandrina, Hydra, Aurelia, Obelia

59 ➤ 59. Which of the following is known as Portuguese man-of-war?

60 ➤ 60. The phylum in which first time nerve net arises

61 ➤ 61. Gastro-vascular cavity with single opening is found in

62 ➤ 62. Coelenterates asexually reproduce by

63 ➤ 63. The larva stage shown by coelenterate is called

64 ➤ 64. Match the following: Column I Column II
A. Physalia - 1. Brain coral
B. Adamsia - 2. Sea fan
C. Pennatula - 3. Sea pen
D. Gorgonia - 4. Sea anemone
E. Meandrina - 5. Portuguese man of war
F. Aurelia - 6. Jellyfish

65 ➤ 65. Ctenophores are commonly known as

66 ➤ 66. The following features belongs to which phylum?
(1) Exclusively marine
(2) Radial symmetry
(3) Diploblastic
(4) Tissue level organization

67 ➤ 67. Body bears eight external rows of ciliated comb plates present in phylum _____.

68 ➤ 68. Ctenophores show

69 ➤ 69. Example of ctenophores is

70 ➤ 70. The following features belong to which phylum?
(1) Bilateral symmetry
(2) Triploblastic, Acoelomate
(3) Organ level of organization
(4) Dorsoventrally flattened body

71 ➤ 71. Platyhelminthes are called flat worms because

72 ➤ 72. Which of the following are characters present in platyhelminthes?
(1) Some absorb nutrients from the host directly through their body surface.
(2) Digestive system is incomplete, branched and without anus.
(3) Flame cells/solenocyte protonephridia help in the excretion and osmoregulation.
(4) Hooks and suckers are present in parasitic form.
(5) Hermaphrodites
(6) Fertilization is internal.
(7) Indirect development through many larva stages.

73 ➤ 73. Which platyhelminthes posses high power of regeneration?

74 ➤ 74. Flame cells helps in excretion and osmoregulation in

75 ➤ 75. Internal fertilization is seen in

76 ➤ 76. (1) Fertilization ______.
(2) Development ______.
(3) Excretion and osmoregulation by ______.
Fill in the blanks for organism given in the figure.

77 ➤ 77. Phylum whose organism are mostly endoparasites is

78 ➤ 78. Which of the following are pseudocoelomate?

79 ➤ 79. The body of the aschelminthes is circular in cross section. Hence, it is named as

80 ➤ 80. Roundworms/Nematodes are

81 ➤ 81. Select the total number of organism which shows internal fertilization.
Ascaris, Wuchereria, Ancylostoma, Taenia, Fasciola, Sycon, Euspongia, Spongilla, pleurobrachia, ctenoplana

82 ➤ 82. Which character does not belong to phylum Aschelminthes?

83 ➤ 83. Match the following: Column I Column II
A. Ascaris - 1. Intestinal round worm
B. Wuchereria - 2. Filarial worm
C. Ancylostoma - 3. Hook worm
D. Pheretima - 4. Earth worm

84 ➤ 84. Which of the following is correct about ascaris?

85 ➤ 85. Select the total number of organism from the following which contains well-developed muscular pharynx with complete alimentary canal.
Taenia, Fasciola, Planaria, Ascaris, Filarial worm, Hookworm

86 ➤ 86. Metamerism is found in

87 ➤ 87. Nephridia helps in the excretion and osmoregulation in

88 ➤ 88. Closed circulatory system is present in

89 ➤ 89. Animals having cylindrical body having an organ system level of organization showing metamerism belongs to phylum

90 ➤ 90. Annelids may be

91 ➤ 91. The neural system consists of paired ganglia connected by lateral nerve to a double ventral nerve cord present in

92 ➤ 92. Which of the following are monoecious?
Ascaris, Wuchereria, Ancylostoma, Neries, Pheretima, Hirudinaria

93 ➤ 93. The first true coelomates are

94 ➤ 94. The following features belong to which of the following phylum? (1) Triploblastic (2) Bilateral symmetry (3) Eucoelomate (4) Metamerism

95 ➤ 95. Which of the following is correct about parapodia?

96 ➤ 96. Which of the following is the largest phylum?

97 ➤ 97. How many species named on earth is arthropoda?

98 ➤ 98. In which of the following phylum the body is generally divided into head, thorax and abdomen?

99 ➤ 99. Which of the following phylum shows segmentation?

100 ➤ 100. The following features are seen in which of the below options?
(1) Exoskeleton of chitin
(2) Malpighian tubules as excretory organ
(3) Tracheal system for respiration
(4) Three pair of legs in thoracic region

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