It contains 32 important questions. Choose the most correct answer. Then check your answer. Try again if there are errors. Regards : kalvisolai.net

1 ➤ 210.
Assertion: The earliest systems of classification used only superficial morphological characters.
Reason: Artificial system gave equal weightage to vegetative and sexual characterstics.

2 ➤ 211.
Assertion: Cytotaxonomy is based on the cytological information like chromosome number, structure and behaviour.
Reason: Chemotaxonomy that uses the chemical constituents of the plants.

3 ➤ 212.
Assertion: In some species of Chlamydomonas, the fusion of gamete is termed as anisogamous.
Reason: Because gametes which undergo fusion in these species are of dissimilar in size.

4 ➤ 213.
Assertion: Bryophytes are called amphibian of plant kingdom.
Reason: These plants live in soil but are dependent on water for sexual reproduction.

5 ➤ 214.
Assertion: Mosses along with lichens are the first organisms to colonize rocks.
Reason: They decompose rocks by scereting acid substances.

6 ➤ 215.
Assertion: Pteridophytes are used for medicinal purposes and soil binders.
Reason: They are the first terrestrial plants to possess vascular tissues.

7 ➤ 216.
Assertion: Only the red algae is able to flourish at the great depth of sea.
Reason: Red algae has the pigments r-phycoerythrin and r-phycocyanin.

8 ➤ 217.
Assertion: Gymnosperms are heterosporous.
Reason: They produce haploid microspores and megaspores.

9 ➤ 218.
Assertion: PEN is triploid in angiosperm.
Reason: PEN is formed by fusion of haploid male gamete with the dipoid secondary nucleus.

10 ➤ 219.
Assertion: The cells of highly reduced female gametophyte (embryo sac in angiosperm) is haploid.
Reason: The embryosac is formed by meiosis.

11 ➤ 220.
Assertion: In pinus the coralloid roots are associated with nitrogen fixing cynobacteria.
Reason: In Cycas, mycorrhiza is present.

12 ➤ 221.
Assertion: Cyanobacteria included in kingdom Plantae.
Reason: Cyanobacteria belong to algae.

13 ➤ 222.
Assertion: Algae are autotrophic.
Reason: Algae contain chlorophyll pigments.

14 ➤ 223.
Assertion: Half of the total CO2 fixation on earth is carried out by algae.
Reason: Algae increases the level of dissolved oxygen in their nearby environment.

15 ➤ 224.
Assertion: Pyrenoids are storage bodies.
Reason: Pyrenoids contains starch and proteins.

16 ➤ 225.
Assertion: Rhodophytes of shallow water body do not appear reddish.
Reason: Rhodophytes of shallow water body have lesser synthesis of phycoerythrin.

17 ➤ 226.
Assertion: Phaeophyceae are brown algae.
Reason: Phaeophyceae contain large amount of xanthophyll pigment called fucoxanthin which gives brown colour.

18 ➤ 227.
Assertion: Chlorella used as a food supplement by space travellers.
Reason: Chlorella is unicellular green algae.

19 ➤ 228.
Assertion: Sphagnum is used for transhipment of living material like seedlings.
Reason: Sphagnum has capacity of water retention.

20 ➤ 229.
Assertion: Pteridophytes evolutionarily, are first terrestrial vascular plants.
Reason: Pteridophytes are soil binders

21 ➤ 230.
Assertion: Development of zygote into young embryo takes places within the female gametophytes in Pteridophytes
Reason: This event is a precursor to seed habit, considered an important step in evolution.

22 ➤ 231.
Assertion: Algae are useful to man.
Reason: At least half of the total CO2 fixation on earth is carried out by algae.

23 ➤ 232.
Assertion: Algae increases level of dissolved oxygen in their immediate environment.
Reason: They show oxygenic photosynthesis

24 ➤ 233.
Assertion: Rhodophyceae commonly known as red algae.
Reason: Their body predominantly contain red pigment r-prycoerythrin.

25 ➤ 234.
Assertion: The spread of living Pteridophytes is restricted to narrow geographical region.
Reason: They require cool, damp and shady place to grow and require water for fertilization.

26 ➤ 235.
Assertion: Sexual reproduction in volvox is oogamous type.
Reason: Both of fusing gamete of volvox is non flagellated and similar in size.

27 ➤ 236.
Assertion: Bryophytes are of great ecology importance.
Reason: Bryophytes play important role in plant succession on bare rocks.

28 ➤ 237.
Assertion: Leaves of gymnosperm can’t withstand extremes of temperature.
Reason: Leaves of gymnosperm posses’ large surface area with thin cuticle.

29 ➤ 238.
Assertion: Volvox show diplontic type of life cycle.
Reason: They show free living sporophyte.

30 ➤ 239.
Assertion: Most algae show haplontic type of life cycle.
Reason: They show free living sporophyte

31 ➤ 240.
Assertion: Most algae show haplontic type of life cycle.
Reason: A Fucus alga shows diplontic type of life cycle.

32 ➤ 241.
Assertion: Pollination in angiosperm is occurred by means of wind only.
Reason: Pollen grains in angiosperm are developed from filament.

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