It contains 90 important questions. Choose the most correct answer. Then check your answer. Try again if there are errors. Regards : kalvisolai.net

1 ➤ 1. Match Column-I (organism) with Column-II(number of species).
1. Ants A. 20,000
2. Orchids B. 25,000
3. Fishes C. 28,000
4. Beetles D. 3,00,000

2 ➤ 2. The term ‘Biodiversity’ was popularized by

3 ➤ 3. Identify the type/level of biodiversity from the following

4 ➤ 4. Which of the following shows maximum genetic diversity?

5 ➤ 5. How many diff erent varieties of mango are found in India?

6 ➤ 6. How many genetically diff erent strains of rice are found in India?

7 ➤ 7. Choose the correct statement from the following.
(A) Western Ghats have a greater amphibian species diversity than the Eastern Ghats.
(B) Diversity exists at all levels of biological organization ranging from macromolecules within cells to biomes.
(C) Rauwolfi a Vomitoria shows genetic variation in terms of potency and concentration of the reserpine produced.
(D) Norway has greater ecosystem diversity than India.

8 ➤ 8. If the present rate of species losses continues, we will lose our biological wealth in how much time?

9 ➤ 9. Robert May places the global species diversity at about _________ million.

10 ➤ 10. More than _________ % of all species recorded are animals.

11 ➤ 11. Arrange the following in their decreasing order of species.
Fishes, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibian

12 ➤ 12. Which of the following have more number of species?

13 ➤ 13. Which order is correct with respect to the number of species?

14 ➤ 14. What does A, B, C, D, E and F represent in this figure?


p-chart for number of species of major taxa of plants.

15 ➤ 15. Find the false statement.

16 ➤ 16. Find the true statement.
A. If we consider biochemical or molecular criteria for microorganisms, their diversity may run into millions.
B. There are 12 mega diversity countries in the world.
C. If we accept May’s global estimates, only 32 per cent of the total species have been recorded so far.
D. Western Ghats have a greater amphibian species diversity than Eastern Ghats.

17 ➤ 17. India has only _________ percent of the world’s land area; its share of the global species diversity is an impressive _________ percent.

18 ➤ 18. Match Column-I (Place) with Column-II (Number of bird species).
1. Colombia - A. 1200
2. New York - B. 1300
3. India - C. 1400
4. Amazonian rain forest - D. 105

19 ➤ 19. Find the incorrect statement.

20 ➤ 20. The largely tropical Amazonian rain forest in South America has the greatest biodiversity on earth. It is the home for more than _________ species of plants. _________ of fishes, _________ of birds, _________ of mammals, _________ of amphibians, _________ of reptiles and of more than _________ invertebrates.

21 ➤ 21. What is the sum of the number of species of birds in New York 41° N and Greenland of 71° N.

22 ➤ 22. Species richness of tropics is because of

23 ➤ 23. Species–area relationship was provided by

24 ➤ 24. The graph formed by plotting species richness against area for a wide variety of taxa (angiosperm plants, birds, bats, fresh water fishes, etc.) turns out to be a

25 ➤ 25. log S = log C + Z log A (Logarithmic formula for species–area relationship). True about this formula

26 ➤ 26. If we analyze species–area relationship among very large area like entire continents, slope of line becomes

27 ➤ 27. Z-value in a much steeper slope ranges between

28 ➤ 28. For frugivorous (fruit-eating) birds and mammals in the tropical forests of different continents, the slope of species–area relationship is foud to be approximately

29 ➤ 29. Which is the correct formula of the graph shown below? Given :
S-species richness
Z-Slope of line (regression coefficient)

30 ➤ 30. ‘Z’ value in species–area relationship lies in the rage of 0.1 to 0.2 for

31 ➤ 31. Which of the followings are the features of a stable community?

32 ➤ 32. There are two plots Plot ‘1’ has less species and Plot ‘2’ has more species. Which statement is true regarding the two plots?

33 ➤ 33. Rivet popper hypothesis was proposed by

34 ➤ 34. Tropical environments, unlike temperate ones, are

35 ➤ 35. Find the incorrect statement.

36 ➤ 36. The colonization of tropical Pacific Islands by humans led to the extinction of more than, _________ species of native birds

37 ➤ 37. IUCN Red list (2004) documents the extinction of how many species in last 500 years?

38 ➤ 38. Match the Column- I (Recently extinct animals) with Column-II (Places from where they are extinct).
A. Dodo - 1. Russia
B. Quagga - 2. Australia
C. Thylacine - 3. Africa
D. Steller’s sea cow - 4. Mauritius

39 ➤ 39. Find the false statement.
(A) In the last 20 years alone there is a disappearance of 27 species.
(B) Three species (Bali, Javan and Caspian) of tiger are included in recently extinct animals.
(C) If we apply May’s estimate then there are probably more than 1,00,000 plant species in India that are yet to be discovered and described.
(D) There is more solar energy available in tropics, which contribute to higher productivity; this in turn contributes directly to greater diversity.

40 ➤ 40. According to the IUCN Red list (2004) how many vertebrates became extinct in the last 550 years?

41 ➤ 41. According to IUCN Red list (2004) how many invertebrates became extinct in the last 500 years?

42 ➤ 42. Which group is most vulnerable to extinction?

43 ➤ 43. Approximately how many species face the threat of extinction?

44 ➤ 44. Presently _________ % of all bird species, _________ % of all mammals species, _________ % of all amphibian species and _________ % of all gymnosperm species in the world face the threat of extinction.

45 ➤ 45. Since the origin and diversification of life on earth how many episodes of mass extinction of species have occurred till date?

46 ➤ 46. What is A, B, C and D in this figure?
p-chart for number of species of major taxa of vertebrates

47 ➤ 47. The current rate of species extinction is how many times faster than the pre-human time?

48 ➤ 48. Find the incorrect statement.

49 ➤ 49. Loss of biodiversity in a region may lead to

50 ➤ 50. Which of the following is a major cause of loss of biodiversity?

51 ➤ 51. The most dramatic examples of habitat loss comes from the

52 ➤ 52. Find the incorrect statement from the following.
(A) Tropic rain forests cover around 6 per cent of earth’s land surface.
(B) Amazonian rain forest is being cut and cleared for soya bean cultivation or for conversion to grasslands for raising beef cattle.
(C) Animals with migratory habits are badly affected by habitat loss and fragmentation.
(D) Mammals and birds require small territories.

53 ➤ 53. Steller’s sea cow and Passenger pigeon became extinct due to

54 ➤ 54. Which of these are examples of alien species invasion?

55 ➤ 55. Which of these are invasive weeds?

56 ➤ 56. Co-extinction means

57 ➤ 57. Which of these is not a narrowly utilitarian argument for conserving biodiversity?

58 ➤ 58. All are examples of broadly utilitarian except

59 ➤ 59. Find the incorrect statement from the following.

60 ➤ 60. ‘We save the entire forest to save the tiger’. This approach of conservation is

61 ➤ 61. What percentage of the earth’s land area is covered by all biodiversity hotspots put together?

62 ➤ 62. The following are examples of ex situ conservation except

63 ➤ 63. The following are examples of In situ conservation except?

64 ➤ 64. Hotspots are characterized by

65 ➤ 65. In India, ecologically unique and biodiversity rich regions are legally protected as

66 ➤ 66. The Earth Summit (Historic Convention on Biological Diversity) was held in

67 ➤ 67. World Summit on sustainable development was held in

68 ➤ 68. Which of these are hotspots of India?

69 ➤ 69. Ex situ conservation includes

70 ➤ 70. The reasons for biodiversity conservation are

71 ➤ 71. The following are broadly utilitarian except

72 ➤ 72. In the World Summit on sustainable development held in 2002 in Johannesburg, South Africa, how many countries pledged their commitment to achieve a significant reduction in the current rate of biodiversity loss at global, regions and local levels, by 2010?

73 ➤ 73. Sacred groves are present in

74 ➤ 74. How do ecologists estimate the total number of species present in the world?

75 ➤ 75. The species diversity of plants (22%) is much less than that of animals (72%), what could be the explanation to how animals achieved greater diversification?

76 ➤ 76. Which extinction is presently in progress?

77 ➤ 77. Identify A, B, C and D in this figure.
p-chart for the number of species of major taxa of Invertebrates

78 ➤ 78. Which of the following require large territories?

79 ➤ 79. Presently which of the following face maximum threat of extinction?

80 ➤ 80. Loss of biodiversity in a region leads to increase in variability in certain ecosystem processes like

81 ➤ 81. Gametes of threatened species can be preserved in viable and fertile condition for long periods using

82 ➤ 82. At present, how many biosphere reserves does India have?

83 ➤ 83. How many biodiversity hotspots are found in the world?

84 ➤ 84. Hotspot is a region of

85 ➤ 85. The following are direct benefits from biodiversity except

86 ➤ 86. The following are indirect benefits from biodiversity except

87 ➤ 87. Which area of M.P. (Madhya Pradesh) contain sacred groves?

88 ➤ 88. Find the incorrect match.

89 ➤ 89. Stellar’s Sea cow became extinct from

90 ➤ 90. Strict protection of hotspots can reduce ongoing mass extinction by

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