It contains 44 important questions. Choose the most correct answer. Then check your answer. Try again if there are errors. Regards : kalvisolai.net

1 ➤ 165. Assertion: Bacterial cells may be motile or non motile.
Reason: Bacterial cells may or may not posses cilia.

2 ➤ 166. Assertion: Bacterial cell walls are not like the plant cell.
Reason: Bacterial cell wall is not made up of cellulose.

3 ➤ 167. Assertion: Membrane transport occurs through the carrier proteins.
Reason: The transport carried by carrier proteins is always passive.

4 ➤ 168. Assertion: Cristae are the infoldings of outer membrane of mitochondria.
Reason: Electron transport occurs in mitochondrial stroma.

5 ➤ 169. Assertion: Eukaryotic cells have more DNA than prokaryotic cells.
Reason: Eukaryotes are genetically more complex than prokaryotes.

6 ➤ 170. Assertion: Schleiden and Schwann were the first to observe the cells and to put forward the cell theory.
Reason: The cells are always living unit.

7 ➤ 171. Assertion: In animal cells, the lipid-like steroidal hormones are synthesized in SER.
Reason: The smooth ER is the major site for synthesis of lipid.

8 ➤ 172. Assertion: Lysosomes help in photorespiration.
Reason: Lysosome have basic enzyme.

9 ➤ 173. Assertion: Mitochondria is known as the power house of cell.
Reason: ATP production takes place here.

10 ➤ 174. Assertion: DNA is associated with proteins.
Reason: DNA binds around histone protein that form a pool and the entire structure is called a nucleosome.

11 ➤ 175. Assertion: Cell wall is not found in animal cell.
Reason: Animal cells are covered by cell membrane.

12 ➤ 176. Assertion: It is important that the organisms should have cell.
Reason: A cell keeps its chemical composition steady within its boundary.

13 ➤ 177. Assertion: The number of cells in a multicellular organism is inversely proportional to the size of body.
Reason: All the cells in the biological world are of same size.

14 ➤ 178. Assertion: A cell membrane shows fluid behaviour.
Reason: A membrane is a mosaic or composite of diverse lipids and proteins.

15 ➤ 179. Assertion: Mitochondria and chloroplasts are semi-autonomous organelles.
Reason: Mitocondria and chloroplast are devoid of ribosomes.

16 ➤ 180. Assertion: Cell is fundamental structural and functional unit of life.
Reason: Anything less than a complete structure of a cell does not ensure independent life.

17 ➤ 181. Assertion: Na+/K+ pump is an active transport.
Reason: Na+/K+ pump utilize energy of ATP

18 ➤ 182. Assertion: Calcium pectate is referred as plant cement.
Reason: It glues neighbouring plant cells together.

19 ➤ 183. Assertion: Cell wall help in cell to cell interaction.
Reason: Cell wall provide barrier to undesirable macromolecules.

20 ➤ 184. Assertion: Lateral movement of protein lipid bilayer of plasma membrane is possible
Reason: Lipid bilayer is of quasi fluid nature.

21 ➤ 185. Assertion: Lysosomes posses’ acidic pH.
Reason: Lysosomes are rich in hydrolytic enzymes which are activated by acidic pH.

22 ➤ 186. Assertion: Mitochondria are the sites of aerobic respiration
Reason: Mitochondria contain 80s type of ribosomes.

23 ➤ 187. Assertion: Carbohydrate synthesis occurs in stroma of chloroplast.
Reason: Enzyme required for carbohydrate synthesis present in stroma of chloroplast.

24 ➤ 188. Assertion: Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic flagella are structurally similar.
Reason: Cilia are longer than flagella.

25 ➤ 189. Assertion: ‘s’ in ‘80s’ represent sedimentation coefficient
Reason: Sedimentation coefficient is direct measure of density and size of ribosome.

26 ➤ 190. Assertion: Lysosomes have acidic pH.
Reason: It is maintain by pumping proton into interior of lysosome.

27 ➤ 191. Assertion: Mitochondria and chloroplast are semi-autonomous cell organelle.
Reason: Both contain DNA, RNA and ribosome.

28 ➤ 192. Assertion: Unicellular organisms are capable of independent existence.
Reason: Single cell in these organisms can perform essential function of life.

29 ➤ 193. Assertion: Cell is fundamental structural and functional unit of all living organisms.
Reason: A complete structure of cell does not ensure independent life. 8.21

30 ➤ 194. Assertion: Cell wall is unique character of the plant cells
Reason: Cell membrane is only found in animal cells.

31 ➤ 195. Assertion: Cells have different shapes
Reason: Shapes of cells vary with function they perform

32 ➤ 196. Assertion: Genetic material in prokaryotic is said to be naked.
Reason: Genetic material in prokaryotic is not associated with histone proteins and absence of nuclear envelope around it.

33 ➤ 197. Assertion: Certain bacteria possess resistance to antibiotic.
Reason: Certain bacteria possess plasmid

34 ➤ 198. Assertion: Mesosome in bacteria help in respiration
Reason: Mesosome contain respiratory enzyme

35 ➤ 199. Assertion: Polysomes are found in prokaryote as well as eukaryotes
Reason: Polysomes use to produce more protein replica from single mRNA.

36 ➤ 200. Assertion: Ribosomes are found in both prokaryote and eukaryotes.
Reason: Ribosomes are protein factories which is required for both types of cells.

37 ➤ 201. Assertion: In lipid bilayer in membrane, lipid are arranged with polar head towards outer side and the hydrophobic tail towards the inner part
Reason: This ensures that the nonpolar tail of saturated hydrocarbon is protected from aqueous environment.

38 ➤ 202. Assertion: Integral proteins can’t be extracted easily from plasma membrane
Reason: Integral proteins are partially or totally embedded in the membrane.

39 ➤ 203. Assertion: RER is rough.
Reason: This endoplasmic reticulum bears ribosomes.

40 ➤ 204. Assertion: Golgi apparatus remain in close association with the endoplasmic reticulum.
Reason: Material to be packaged in form of vesicle from the ER fuse with the cis face of the Golgi apparatus and move towards maturing face.

41 ➤ 205. Assertion: Lysosomes are capable of digesting carbohydrate, protein, lipids and nucleic acids.
Reason: Lysosomes contain almost all type of hydrolytic enzymes.

42 ➤ 206. Assertion: Some ion concentration is higher in the vacuole than in the cytoplasm of plant cell.
Reason: In the plant tonoplast facilitate the transport of some ions against concentration gradient into the vacuole.

43 ➤ 207. Assertion: Chloroplast can synthesize proteins
Reason: Chloroplast contains ribosomes.

44 ➤ 208. Assertion: Ribosomes were discovered after discovery of electron microscope.
Reason: Ribosomes can be observed by electron-microscope.

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