It contains 100 important questions. Choose the most correct answer. Then check your answer. Try again if there are errors. Regards : kalvisolai.net

1 ➤ 1. Which of the following organisms are not composed of cells?

2 ➤ 2. Unicellular organisms are not capable of

3 ➤ 3. Who was the fi rst one to see a live cell?

4 ➤ 4. Who was the German botanist to study the diff erent cells forming plant tissues?

5 ➤ 5. In which year Matthias Schleiden examined a large number of plants and observed that all plants are composed of diff erent kinds of cells which form the tissues of the plant?

6 ➤ 6. In which year Schwann studied diff erent types of animal cells?

7 ➤ 7. The cell has a thin outer layer which is known as ‘Plasma membrane’. Who reported this?

8 ➤ 8. ‘Cell wall is a unique structure of plant cells’. Who concluded this?

9 ➤ 9. Who proposed the hypothesis that the bodies of animals and plants are composed of cells and product of cells?

10 ➤ 10. Who formulated the cell theory?

11 ➤ 11. ‘Omnis cellula e cellula’ was given in the year _________

12 ➤ 12. Who was the one to describe that cells divided and new cells are formed from pre-existing cells?

13 ➤ 13. Which of the following statement is not a part of final cell theory?

14 ➤ 14. What is the outer covering of typical plant cell?

15 ➤ 15. Identify the A, B, C and D in the given figure.

16 ➤ 16. In each cheek cell, there is a dense membrane bound structure which contains chromosome. This structure is

17 ➤ 17. What does a nucleus of a typical animal cell contain?

18 ➤ 18. The cell containing membrane bound nucleus can be called

19 ➤ 19. Identify the figure given below.

20 ➤ 20. If volume of the cell is filled with semi-fluid matrix called cytoplasm, what kind of cell is it?

21 ➤ 21. Identify the given below figure.

22 ➤ 22. What is the main arena of cellular activities in eukaryotic cells?

23 ➤ 23. In an eukaryotic cell, where does the various chemical reactions occur to keep the cell in living state?

24 ➤ 24. How many of the following organelles are found in prokaryotic cells? ER, Golgi complex, Lysosome, Mitochondria, Microbodies, Vacuoles

25 ➤ 25. Where are the ribosomes found in prokaryotic cells?

26 ➤ 26. Where are ribosomes found in eukaryotic cells?

27 ➤ 27. How many of the following are membrane bound organelles? Lysosomes, Ribosomes, Mitochondria, Vacuoles

28 ➤ 28. Which of the following organelle is exclusively found in animal cells?

29 ➤ 29. Which of the following is incorrect?

30 ➤ 30. What is the length of mycoplasm cell?

31 ➤ 31. What could be the length of bacterial cell?

32 ➤ 32. Diameter of an RBC is

33 ➤ 33. The longest cells in human body are

34 ➤ 34. Which of the following is incorrect matching?

35 ➤ 35. Identify the A, B, C, D and E in this figure.

36 ➤ 36. Which of the following cells are round and oval?

37 ➤ 37. Which of the following are long and narrow cells?

38 ➤ 38. Which of the following represent prokaryotic cell?

39 ➤ 39. Identify the A, B, C, D and E in this figure.

40 ➤ 40. What is true for a prokaryotic cell?

41 ➤ 41. What is the size of a typical eukaryotic cell?

42 ➤ 42. How much is the size of typical bacteria?

43 ➤ 43. How much is the size of viruses?

44 ➤ 44. What is a genomic DNA of bacteria?

45 ➤ 45. Where is

46 ➤ 46. What are plasmids?

47 ➤ 47. Resistance to antibiotics is conferred by

48 ➤ 48. Which is the common organelles that are found in both eukaryotes and prokaryote?

49 ➤ 49. What is a specialized differentiated form of cell membrane?

50 ➤ 50. Infoldings of cell membrane in prokaryotic is called

51 ➤ 51. What is external to cell wall in a prokaryotic cell?

52 ➤ 52. Select the incorrect statement:

53 ➤ 53. What is external to the plasma membrane in a prokaryotic cell like bacteria?

54 ➤ 54. What is external to glycocalyx layer in prokaryotic cell like bacteria?

55 ➤ 55. What is external to plasma membrane and internal to glycocalyx layer?

56 ➤ 56. What is the basis of classification of bacteria’s into gram +ve or gram -ve?

57 ➤ 57. A bacterial cell was taken and gram staining was done and observed that it did not take up gram stain such a bacteria is known as

58 ➤ 58. Which of the following statement is not true?

59 ➤ 59. A loose sheath of glycocalyx layer is called

60 ➤ 60. What is a thick, tough, layer of glycocalyx known as?

61 ➤ 61. Which of the following is not the function of cell wall?

62 ➤ 62. Which of the following is a form of mesosome?

63 ➤ 63. Which of the following is a function of mesosome?

64 ➤ 64. Which of the following helps in respiration, secretion process,and increase the surface area for enzymatic content?

65 ➤ 65. In which organisms the pigment containing chromatophores are found?

66 ➤ 66. A thin, filamentous extension of cell wall required for a bacterial motility is called _________.

67 ➤ 67. Which of the following is not a part of bacteria flagellum?

68 ➤ 68. Of all the parts of flagellum, which one is the longest?

69 ➤ 69. Which of the following surface structure of bacteria does not take part in motility?

70 ➤ 70. Which is the elongated tubular structure made of special protein on the surface of bacterial cell?

71 ➤ 71. What is the small bristle like structures or fibres sprouting out of the cell?

72 ➤ 72. In prokaryotes, the ribosomes are associated with which structure of cell?

73 ➤ 73. What is the size of ribosomes?

74 ➤ 74. In 70S prokaryotic ribosomes, what are the sub units present in them?

75 ➤ 75. A polysome is a chained structure of which organelle?

76 ➤ 76. In polyribosome, the ribosomes attach to which RNA?

77 ➤ 77. In what form, the reserve material in prokaryotic cells are stored in cytoplasm?

78 ➤ 78. Which of the following are not inclusion bodies?

79 ➤ 79. Gas vacuoles are found in

80 ➤ 80. Which of the following does not belong to eukaryote?

81 ➤ 81. In eukaryotic cells, why there is an extensive compartmentalization of cytoplasm?

82 ➤ 82. The chemical studies on cell membrane that was deduced to its possible structure was mostly done on which cells?

83 ➤ 83. In plasma membrane, the lipids have their polar heads facing

84 ➤ 84. The lipid component of plasma membrane will be mainly constituted of

85 ➤ 85. Identify the A, B, C and D in this figure.

86 ➤ 86. Which of the following are not the component of plasma membrane?

87 ➤ 87. What is the percentage of proteins and lipids in an RBC membrane respectively?

88 ➤ 88. Which of the following membrane proteins lie on the surface of the cell?

89 ➤ 89. Which of the following membrane proteins are partially or totally buried in cell membrane?

90 ➤ 90. The fluid mosaic model was given by Singer and Nicolson in the year _________

91 ➤ 91. The ability of proteins to move laterally within the membrane is measured as

92 ➤ 92. For what reason, the fluid nature of membrane is important?

93 ➤ 93. The most important function of plasma membrane is that it

94 ➤ 94. In which kind of transport, the molecules move across without the utilization of energy?

95 ➤ 95. Movement of water across the plasma membrane occurs by

96 ➤ 96. In which kind of transport, the molecules will go against the concentration gradient?

97 ➤ 97. In which of the following does active transport take place?

98 ➤ 98. The functions of cell wall in eukaryotic cells

99 ➤ 99. Which of the following organisms have cell wall made up of cellulose, galactans, mannans, and minerals like calcium carbonates?

100 ➤ 100. Which of the following organisms have cell wall made up of cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectins and proteins?

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